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Degraded Service - Kallidus Learn

» Published on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 09:11:00 +0000

  • Post-Mortem

    RCA: Summary: A change to the user authentication process in Learn caused issues with access, imports, and administration for some customers from 18/01/2024 to 23/01/2024. In some instances this also impacted other Kallidus applications using the same authentication. The issues were mitigated separately and a deep retrospective is underway. Details: On 18/01/2024, a deployment introduced a change to the user authentication process in Learn, this in turn then used an incorrect configuration to direct users to their Identity Provider. This caused some customers to experience issues with accessing Learn, including general login issues with SSO and username/password credentials, and issues with Learn administration. In some instances this also impacted other Kallidus applications using the same authentication. There were also knock-on effects to course imports, and user imports. The majority of access issues were mitigated by 18/01/2024 18:00 GMT, and the issues with SSO and Learn administration were resolved on 23/01/2024 by 13:00 GMT. The user imports, KUI tool, were also affected by this change, and access was restored on 22/01/2024 for affected customers. A deep retrospective for this issue is already underway to identify areas for improvement and prevent similar incidents in the future. Please accept our apologies for this disruption and any inconvenience caused.

    » Updated Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:16:00 +0000
  • Resolved

    Engineers have now rolled out the fix in relation to logged-in access reverting to SSO logins. An RCA for this incident will be posted here in due course.

    Please accept our apologies for any disruption this caused.

    » Updated Wed, 24 Jan 2024 07:42:00 +0000
  • Update

    Our engineers have identified the issue affecting a subset of our customers in relation to logged-in access reverting to SSO logins and are working on a plan to roll the fix out to all affected customers. Due to the nature of the proposed fix, we intend to do this safely and with the least amount of disruption to learners. This may mean a delay in deploying the fix until we can do this safely overnight. We will update this page if this plan changes.

    » Updated Tue, 23 Jan 2024 09:09:00 +0000
  • Update

    Our Engineers are continuing to investigate the issue with access via login reverting to SSO access.

    Please accept our apologies for any disruption this is continuing to cause today.

    » Updated Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:21:00 +0000
  • Update

    Engineers are continuing to investigate the issue with access via login reverting to SSO access. As soon as we have news to share on this we will update accordingly. Please accept our apologies for any disruption this is continuing to cause today.

    » Updated Mon, 22 Jan 2024 12:12:00 +0000
  • Update

    Engineers are continuing to investigate the issue with access via login reverting to SSO access.

    As soon as we have news to share on this we will update accordingly.

    Please accept our apologies for any disruption this is causing.

    » Updated Mon, 22 Jan 2024 11:00:00 +0000
  • Investigating

    Engineers are currently investigating issues with access to Learn sites for a subset of customers. Some customers who use a separate URL to access Learn to bypass Single Sign On, will still be experiencing access issues. We are continuing to work on this as our priority and will update this page with news as and when we have it.

    Please accept our apologies for any disruption this is causing.

    » Updated Mon, 22 Jan 2024 09:11:00 +0000