Kallidus Status

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Degraded service: Kallidus Learn

» Published on Tue, 09 Jan 2024 09:38:00 +0000

  • Post-Mortem

    Summary: Between 09:20 and 10:18 GMT on 09-01-2024, users of Kallidus 360, Learn, Perform and Recruit may have experienced errors at login.

    Preliminary root cause: Kallidus engineers discovered that a cloud resource, critical to the authentication process, had reached 100% of its provisioned capacity leading to errors elsewhere within the application. Resizing this resource resolved the issue. Kallidus apologises for any inconvenience caused by this disruption and thanks you for patience while we resolved the issue.

    » Updated Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:13:00 +0000
  • Resolved

    Engineers have now resolved the issue with access to Kallidus Learn (may have also affected access to other Kallidus Suite products in some cases).

    Please accept our apologies again for the issue encountered today.

    An RCA for the incident will be made available here in due course.

    » Updated Tue, 09 Jan 2024 10:27:00 +0000
  • Investigating

    We are receiving reports of a subset of customers receiving 503 - service unavailable messages when accessing Learn. Our engineers are aware and currently investigating the issue.

    Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this is causing today.

    » Updated Tue, 09 Jan 2024 09:38:00 +0000